I hope you are correct Stephen. That we have been able 'escape with our Government intact'. I do have absolute respect and confidence in the DOJ (as it now stands). What I do not have confidence in is the House of Representatives for the next two years, especially if wooden headed Kevin McCarthy is speaker. I'm afraid we have voted ourselves a "Do Nothing" congress.
I agree about Congress. Well mostly, I think the House will start as many investigations as they can. They won't stop until they run out of members to man committees. That won't take very long!
I wish, with 218 members they'll be able to stuff every committee they want. At least they won't get anything really detrimental to society done, they'll be too busy getting even LOL
I hope you are correct Stephen. That we have been able 'escape with our Government intact'. I do have absolute respect and confidence in the DOJ (as it now stands). What I do not have confidence in is the House of Representatives for the next two years, especially if wooden headed Kevin McCarthy is speaker. I'm afraid we have voted ourselves a "Do Nothing" congress.
I agree about Congress. Well mostly, I think the House will start as many investigations as they can. They won't stop until they run out of members to man committees. That won't take very long!
I wish, with 218 members they'll be able to stuff every committee they want. At least they won't get anything really detrimental to society done, they'll be too busy getting even LOL
Thank you, Stephen. I hope your daughter is well and recovering from whatever put her in the hospital
Hi Stephen, I haven't seen a post from you for nearly 2 weeks. I hope it's because you had better things to do and not because you are ill
I 'm OK. My daughter was in the hospital. She got out today so I'll be back.
Thank you, Stephen, I'm glad you're ok. I hope your daughter is doing well and recovering from whatever put her in the hospital